Agri Consultancy

  Project consultancy  
  Detailed Project Reports

  Project financing & Subsidy Assistance

Green House Construction services

  Poly houses 
  Shade net:
Wire Rope Net House
Dome shape

  Fan & Pad Greenhouse &
  Single- span Tunnel houses and&
  Multi-span tunnel house&

Irrigation & Automation

  Drip irrigation systems
  Fertigation system & automation systems

  Precision farming

Advisory based Inputs

  Crop advisory
  Seeds and Planting material   Pesticides, fertilizers (Chemical and Organic), Nutrients, Mulch and Shade net

Farm Management

  Crop selection
  Agronomy service   Labor Management Service

Market linkages

  Market analysis
  Contract Farming

High Net-worth Individuals (HNI’s) & Corporates

Farm Management

Contract Farming

Market linkages

Best In Class

Provide state-of-the-art products and services

40+ Projects

Handled various projects and delivered successfully

500+ Acres

Serviced over 500 acres across India